U.S.Navy Seawolves: The Elite HAL-3 Helicopter Squadron in Vietnam

· Được bán bởi Ballantine Books
26 bài đánh giá
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There were no dry runs for Seawolves in Vietnam.
They put their lives on the line—every time.

In the Viet Cong-infested Mekong Delta, where small SEAL teams were always outgunned and outnumbered, discovery brought swift, deadly consequences— and a radio call for backup from the United States Navy’s very best: the Seawolves. The whir of approaching rotor blades signaled their arrival as they tore through the jungle at treetop level, gunners hanging off the skids, shooting M-60s, raining down their lethal mix of high explosives and incendiary death.

Seawolf Dan Kelly describes the origins of this extraordinary outfit. Put through a training program unlike any other, these men emerged to perform unparalleled feats of courage. The stories of these elite warriors capture America’s real heroes in all their guts and glory, and demonstrate why the Seawolves are known as the most successful and most decorated unit in the Vietnam War.

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26 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Daniel E. Kelly lives with his wife, Belle, in McKinney, Texas. After leaving the navy, he earned a B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa. Despite the loss of a leg four inches above the knee, he holds a deputy’s commission with the Dallas County sheriff’s department. He has worked with the Dallas Tactical Team and gone undercover for BATF. He likes horseback riding and Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

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