Ultimatum: A Thriller

· Simon and Schuster саткан
1 сын-пикир
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#1 bestselling author Simon Kernick will leave you breathless with his sheer storytelling power in this race-against-time thriller about a terrorist threat in London.

An explosion blasts through a cafe in Central London. Minutes later, a call from an unknown terror group warns that a far greater attack will be launched in twelve hours’ time.

William Garrett, nicknamed “Fox,” is awaiting trial for mass murder. He claims he can name the bombers—but only at a price.

It’s a terrifying race against time for Detective Inspector Mike Bolt and Deputy Commissioner Tina Boyd as they chase their targets across the city in a desperate bid to prevent a major atrocity before it’s too late…

As shocking revelations are unveiled, you’ll be racing to the last page as fast as the characters in Ultimatum. As #1 New York Times bestselling author Harlan Coben says, “Simon Kernick writes with his foot pressed hard on the pedal. Hang on tight!”

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1 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Simon Kernick is a Sunday Times #1 bestselling author and one of the UK’s foremost thriller writers. His twelve novels have been translated into more than twenty languages and have sold more than four million copies worldwide. He lives in London.

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