This horror novella, with the original name İzinsiz, was written by Gizem Çetin and translated into English by Enes Talha Coşgun.
Gizem Çetin was born on January 19, 1997 in Uşak, Turkey. She completed her high school education at Meram Anatolian High School in Konya. The author, who loves to read books since a young age, has started to publish her writings on the internet since 2015. In 2018, her book titled Papatya Tarlasında Rönesans (Renaissance in the Daisy Field) was published by Başlangıç Yayınları. She graduated from TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2020, and her sci-fi novel series "Seven Candles" will be published in 2021 from Nar Ağacı Yayınları.