Under the Weather – Coping with Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: New and updated edition

· Gill & Macmillan Ltd

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

'A very practical and forthright book.' Professor Anthony Clare The abuse of alcohol and alcoholism are among the most corrosive and devastating features of modern societies. The incidence of broken lives and shattered families caused directly by alcohol addiction is now widely recognised. However, as the widespread nature of alcoholism is acknowledged, so too are the significant advances in its treatment. Under the Weather sets out all the basic facts on alcoholism and alcohol abuse in an accessible yet comprehensive manner. It combines a popular approach with one that is scientifically and medically reliable. Above all this new and updated edition of a well-established and popular book offers hope and encouragement by emphasising the high recovery rates for those who are prepared to assume responsibility for their own recovery and co-operate with properly mounted and comprehensive treatment programmes. Family and friends concerned about the effect of abnormal drinking will also find it an invaluable source of information and support. 'Few authors can write with such experiences and understanding ... warmly recommended to a wide readership.' Dr Bruce Ritson 'Of the many books written in recent years about alcoholism and problem drinkers this one is outstanding.' Dr Max Glatt Under the Weather: Table of Contents Introduction - Alcoholism – A Disease - Alcoholism – Many Causes - Signs, Symptoms and Cross Addiction - From Compulsion to Recovery - Physical and Psychiatric Complications - Mental Mechanism and Medication - Overall Treatment Plan - Relapse - The Young - Women - A Family Illness - PreventionAppendix A: The Definition of Alcoholism Appendix B: Treatment Appendix C: Questionnaires Appendix D: Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Alateen Appendix E: Help and Advice


Dr John G. Cooney is a psychiatrist who for many years has been prominent in the treatment of alcoholism. A founding director of the Irish National Council on Alcoholism, he has written and lectured extensively throughout the world.

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