Understanding War in Afghanistan

· NDU Press
43 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT -- OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price Provides military leaders, civil servants, diplomats, and students with the intellectual basis that they need to begin to prepare for further study of or an assignment in Afghanistan. This book analyzes the land and its people, recaps Afghan history, and assesses the current situation. It also examines the range of choices for future U.S. policy toward Afghanistan. Related products:

Weapon of Choice: U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan can be found here: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-029-00431-3

Boots on the Ground: Troop Density in Contingency Operations can be found here: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-029-00438-1

United States Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine, 1860-1941 can be found here: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-029-00337-6"

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