Unintentional Consequences: A Novel

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Unintentional Consequences


Antonio F. Vianna

Rand Bauge never thought he was simply working for wages when he was employed by the U. S. Government, although there were enough situations that would contradict that notion. He got things done any way he could; usually it was his way. No one seemed to care about the means that he used. Questions were rarely asked. Only the results mattered. He and his boss saw eye to eye on their relationship because it worked well for a good long time. Things are now different. He's on his own, retirement urged upon him against his wishes. The panic call he got from his second wife threw him for a loop ... something bad had gone wrong at home. He's got to get there fast before it is too late. However, along the way, unintended surprises block his advancement. Who's really out to get him? This might be his biggest test ever ... will he make it through the ordeal?

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Antonio F. Vianna Antonio F. Vianna is a prime example of someone who’s refashioned both himself and his career to stay in step with the changing times. In fact, you might say he wrote the book on it with "Career Management and Employee Portfolio Tool Kit, 3rd edition" along with his “Re-Careering At Any Age” workshops, both of which have enjoyed much success. With a M.M. from Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and a B.S. from Union College, Vianna has been a faculty member with several San Diego, California universities. This former U.S. Air Force officer parlayed his soldierly management skills into a professional human resources position within the private sector. Vianna is endowed with the gift of “literary gab,” an adaptation of his talent as a phenomenal storyteller. So it came as no surprise to anyone when he made a career turn to the craft of professional writing; he has published 17 books—both fiction and non-fiction—since 2003. Writing with zest and insight, Vianna sets a quick pace with his dramatic language. Vianna’s frequent television and radio guest appearances, plus his membership in Publishers and Writers of San Diego, Read Local San Diego, and the Military Writers Society of America are testaments to his lifelong commitment to the writer’s craft. Vianna lives in Carlsbad, Calif. For more information about Antonio F. Vianna and his other books, go to his website at www.viannabooks4u.com.

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