Unnatural Fire

· Fidelis Morgan
Էլ. գիրք
Կարելի է ավելացնել

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London 1699. Anastasia Ashby de la Zouche, Baroness Penge, Countess of Clapham, former mistress to Charles II, is an aristocrat on her uppers. Cast into the Fleet Prison, she is forced to turn to journalism. But the Countess and her maidservant encounter more intrigue than they bargained for. 'Hilarious 17th century romp, which combines an authentic slice of history with a tantalising storyline. An authority on the era, Morgan has created an inventive book which wears its learning lightly –like a bawdy P.G.Wodehouse leave you with a keen sense of the period. This is a frolicking good read.' Daily Mail; A Barnes & Noble Discovery Book 2001

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