Using Experiential Learning in the Classroom: Practical Ideas for All Educators

· R&L Education
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While research and common sense tells us that experiential learning is more effective than the more traditional process of information assimilation (where teachers lecture, test, and grade), high school, college, and university teachers continue to use paper-and-pencil tests as their primary grading and assessment tool. Many students fail to see the relevance of these sort of tests and are bored with passive methods of learning. Using Experiential Learning in the Classroom: Practical Ideas for All Educators explains what experiential learning is, why it works, and how it can be used in both high school and post-secondary educational settings. Tools for assessing experiential learning are also provided. A must-have resource for high school teachers and college professors.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Scott D. Wurdinger is the coordinator of the Experiential Education Graduate Program at Minnesota State University. He has been involved in experiential education since 1984.

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