Valentines in an Apocalypse: A System Apocalypse short story

· The System Apocalypse Short Stories წიგნი 1 · Starlit Publishing

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

What happens when the apocalypse is over; to love, strained and torn?

How do you pick up the pieces, when life stabilises?

It's a question our heroes must ask themselves, when they're no longer fighting off swarms of monsters, no longer struggling for Credits and Levels.

Valentine's in the Apocalypse is set four years after the System Apocalypse has arrived, between books 5 and 6 of the System Apocalypse and features new characters. The story is set in Vancouver, BC.

ავტორის შესახებ

Tao Wong is a Canadian self-published author based in the Yukon. Yes, that Yukon. As a reader, he's an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy, having cut my teeth decades ago on Dragonlance, Terry Brooks and Asimov before graduating to Jordan, Gaiman, Bujold and more. When he's not writing and working, he's practicing martial arts, reading (even more!) and taking care of his family. Other hobbies include occasional RPGs and board games as well as picking up new, random skillsets. Tao became a full-time author in 2019.

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