Alex Shively
The story idea was good, but all the characters are just took two demential. Worse of all the pages get screwed up half way in, so you can't actually see any two page scenes on one screen in landscape mode!
5 people found this review helpful
Teddy Behr
For $20 this was an entertaining read, however this download seemed to have a few pages missing and some dialogue missing. The missing pieces doesn't significantly distract from the story, however it's a knock that I haven't yet seen in other downloads.
1 person found this review helpful
Leon Dale
Love the story....right until the words disappear. for the price they are selling a non -physical, non-shipped version of this product, I would expect a complete and compelling piece of work. This is not the case. I have wasted my money on an INCOMPLETE PRODUCT. FIND ANOTHER WAY TO CONSUME THIS STORY, THIS CAN'T BE THE WAY.
38 people found this review helpful