
ยท Millbrook Press
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Toxic creatures can be found almost anywhereโ€”in the woods, in the desert, in your own backyard . . . even in your room!

Some, such as poison dart frogs and puffer fish, have poisonous skin or other organs. Others are venomousโ€”they have stingers, spines, or fangs to injects their toxins.

You know some of them already: black widow spiders, killer bees, rattlesnakes, stingrays, and scorpions. There are lots of other toxic species, too.

Just take a look inside . . . if you dare!

"Sharp, full-color photos loaded with icky details are sure to catch readers' eyes and hold their interest."โ€”School Library Journal

"For biology reports or for students interested in the subject, this book will be a winner."โ€”VOYA

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Winner of the National Council of Teachers of English Award for Excellence in Poetry, 2015, Marilyn Singer has written more than 100 books in many genres. An animal lover, Marilyn likes to look for critters in many placesโ€”and then write about them. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, and Washington, CT, with her husband, a dog, a cat, and two doves. Visit her web site:

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