Vijayalakshmi Vijayakumar lives in South Bangalore, a haven of culture and tradition. She grew up at the feet of her gurus, Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Dayananda Saraswati, who instilled in her a deep and abiding love for Bharata and her culture. As the Director of Center for Soft Power, she strings together all flowers that make a garland of Indian ethos and aesthetics colourful and fragrant. Her approach to storytelling is creative and innovative. She is presently writing her second novel. She is the founder-secretary of Heritage, a not-for-profit trust that has conducted for over a decade, a signature temple festival ‘Gudiya Sambhrama’, known for its sense of classicism. She brings a gentle touch of Indianness to everything she curates. Heritage conducts two more annual festivals, ‘Srishti Sambhrama’ and ‘The Heritage Drive’. The drive is a motorsport rally (Regularity Run) that takes participants to heritage temples and includes tree planting as well. Vijayalakshmi Vijayakumar is the Director of Vigirom Pvt. Ltd. and Madhavi Greens Pvt. Ltd., the legacy of her dear husband, Shri Vijayakumar. An avid flyer, sportsperson, dancer, designer, and writer, she has flown powered aircraft, played state level softball, been a Bharatanatyam dancer, given talks on culture and heritage, organised conferences, been on the Central Film and Censor Board, and the National Advisory Board for Philately, is a freelance designer and copywriter, and a member of the Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India’s Sustainability Commission.