Voyager: A Novel

· Outlander 3-кітап · Сатушысы: Dell
599 пікір
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The third book in Diana Gabaldon’s acclaimed Outlander saga, the basis for the Starz original series.

“Triumphant . . . Her use of historical detail and a truly adult love story confirm Gabaldon as a superior writer.”—Publishers Weekly
In this rich, vibrant tale, Diana Gabaldon continues the story of Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser that began with the now-classic novel Outlander and continued in Dragonfly in Amber. Sweeping us from the battlefields of eighteenth-century Scotland to the West Indies, Diana Gabaldon weaves magic once again in an exhilarating and utterly unforgettable novel.
He was dead. However, his nose throbbed painfully, which he thought odd in the circumstances.
Jamie Fraser is, alas, not dead—but he is in hell. Waking among the fallen on Culloden Field, he is concerned neither for his men nor his wounds but for his wife and their unborn child. Lord, he prayed passionately, that she may be safe. She and the child. It’s a prayer he’ll utter many times over the next twenty years, never knowing but always hoping that Claire made it through the standing stones, back to the safety of her own time.

Safe she is, but believing Jamie gone forever, she’s obliged to live without a heart, her only comfort their daughter, Brianna. But now, their daughter grown, she discovers that Jamie survived, and a fateful decision lies before her: Stay with her beloved daughter, or go back to search Scotland’s dangerous past for the man who was her heart and soul, sustained only by the hope that they will still know each other if she finds him.

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599 пікір

Авторы туралы

Diana Gabaldon was born in Flagstaff, Arizona on January 11, 1952. She has a Ph.D. in Quantitative Behavioral Ecology, a M.S. in Marine Biology, and a B.S. in Zoology. She has worked as a university Professor and has written freelance for various magazines and companies such as Walt Disney. Gabaldon is the well-known author of the "Outlander" series. She is married to a drag racer and has three children.

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