Wake Up and Change Your Life: How to Survive a Crisis and Be Stronger, Wiser, and Happier

· Прадавец: Simon and Schuster
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Your old life has been turned upside down. Perhaps your partner has threatened to leave, you've discovered infidelity or your relationship has completely broken down and you're determined not to make the same mistakes again. Maybe, you've simply taken stock and decided your life doesn't work any more. Whatever the background, deciding to change is a really positive move. However, willpower alone isn't enough—nor sweeping declarations of how 'this time it will be different'. To combat bad habits, procrastination, a partner who is sceptical or parents, friends and family who can't see anything but the 'old you', you'll need to make changes that are both deep down (to tackle the hidden factors that are trapping you) and long-lasting (so you don't slide back into the old ways).
Marital Therapist Andrew G. Marshall has brought thirty years' experience helping couples and individuals to create a proven plan for change. In this compassionate book he explains:
  • Why real change is harder than you think.
  • The six unhelpful myths about change that are holding
    you back.
  • How to take control of your past.
  • The importance of developing everyday calmness.
  • How to discover your true life path.
  • Nine simple maxims to lock in the change.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Andrew G. Marshall (London, England) is a marital therapist with 30 years' counseling experience. His books include the international bestseller I Love You But I'm Not in Love with You, which has been translated into more than fifteen languages and I Love You But You Always Put Me Last. He also offers private counseling and workshops in London, England, and writes for the Mail on Sunday, Times, Guardian, and Psychologies. Visit him at www.andrewgmarshall.com

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