Walt Disney's The Jungle Book

· Saltzailea: Disney Electronic Content
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When Bagheera the panther finds a Man-cub in the jungles of India, he takes the baby to a nearby wolf family, hoping the mother wolf could care for the child. But after ten happy years with the wolves, it is no longer safe for Mowgli the Man-cub to live in the jungle. Shere Khan, a fierce tiger, believes all humans will grow up to be hunters, including young Mowgli, and wants nothing more than to rid the jungle of the Man-cub. Right away, Bagheera takes Mowgli on a journey to a Man-village where he will be safe. The problem is...Mowgli wants to stay in the jungle. Will Bagheera be able to deliver him to the Man-village safely? Don't miss this retelling of Walt Disney's classic film, The Jungle Book.

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