Way Past Bedtime

· Kuthengiswe ngu-Simon and Schuster

Mayelana nale ebook

Little Joseph turns into a bedtime super-sleuth as he tries to solve the mystery of what happens after the lights go out in this fun spin on classic bedtime stories.

Bedtime is Joseph’s least favorite time of day. When his parents tuck him in at night, Joseph imagines all kinds of things that he’s missing out on: big parties, hot-fudge fountains, exotic animals, and more.

But there is only one way to find out if what he imagines is actually true—and bedtime super-sleuth Joseph is determined to discover what happens way past bedtime.

Mayelana nomlobi

Tara Lazar is the author of Monstore and I Thought This Was a Bear Book. Her mischievous imagination led her to write picture books, and she founded PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month). She lives in New Jersey with her husband and her two daughters. Visit TaraLazar.com for stories, giveaways, and contests for kids of all ages (like Tara!).

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