Weapon Spirit

Sellene Chardou
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Squatting in the corner, washing a bowl full of chopsticks, the teenager looked blankly at the

emaciated mother being bossed around as a servant.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Li Donghao, male, was born in 1979 in Haixing County, Hebei Province. Professor, College of Literature, Hebei Normal University, Vice Chairman of Hebei Province Writers Association. He has published novels, poems, literary criticism and other texts. His works have been published in various periodicals, or translated into English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian and Korean.

Authored by: Collection "Themostpowerfulkiller", "Professionalplayerscrossborders" "TheBeastKingandPrincess" "ThedancingwifeofthecoolCEO", "The "most powerful god of war," "Pilgrim'sPath," "Savagethrone," novels, "Like Returning to the Inn," "Father in the Mirror," reviews, "The Stars above Me," "Ode to Reading, Ode to Fiction." Poetry collection "King in the Shell" and so on, a total of more than 30.

He has won the 4th Literature Prize, the 11th Zhuang Chongwen Literature Prize, the 3rd Literature Prize, the 9th October Literature Prize, the 1st Sun Li Literature Prize, the 1st Jian 'an Literature Prize, the 7th Dianchi Literature Prize, the 9th, 11th and 12th Hebei Literature and Art Awards, etc.

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