Wedgieman to the Rescue

· Sotuvchi: Random House Books for Young Readers
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Following his debut in Wedgieman: A Hero Is Born, our superhero continues on his mission to get children to eat their vegetables. Until he meets Bad Dude and his secret inventions, that is. 

Bad Dude has a plan; it's a bad plan. He wants to use his Make-Things-Disappear Machine to zap the playground and make it dematerialize—and then force all the children to work in the Bad Dude Factory! But have no fear, Wedgieman comes to the rescue and saves the day—and develops a new wedgie in the process that's called The Celery!

Beginning readers (and their caregivers) will howl with delight over the ka-pow! humor and blam! illustrations.

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CHARISE MERICLE HARPER has written and illustrated numerous children's books, including Just Grace; Wedgieman: A Hero Is Born; The Power of Cute; Gigi in the Big City; Milo's Special Words; Good Night, Leo; Pink Me Up; and When Randolph Turned Rotten. She lives in Mamaroneck, New York, with her husband and their two children. Charise loves creating art and stories, petting her cat, drinking coffee, and eating pie.

BOB SHEA is the author-illustrator of the award-winning and bestselling Dinosaur vs. Bedtime, as well as Oh, Daddy!New Socks, and I'm a Shark, and the illustrator of Wedgieman: A Hero Is Born. He also wrote Big Plans, illustrated by Lane Smith. Bob lives in Connecticut with his family.

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