What Cat Is That? All About Cats

· Random House Books for Young Readers විසින් විකුණයි
සමාලෝචන 2ක්
සුදුසුකම් ලබයි

මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

Laugh and learn with fun facts about cats, from domestic to wild, kittens to cubs, and more—all told in Dr. Seuss’s beloved rhyming style and starring the Cat in the Hat!
“I’m the Cat in the Hat. Let us leave right away to see all the cats we can see in one day.”

The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian illustrations to introduce children to non-fiction topics from the real world! Travel aboard the Kitty-Cat-Copter and learn:
•       how cats fit through small spaces
•       how they use their whiskers
•       why their eyes glow in the dark
•       and much more!
Perfect for story time and for the youngest readers, What Cat Is That? All About Cats also includes an index, glossary, and suggestions for further learning.

Look for more books in the Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series!
If I Ran the Horse Show: All About Horses
Clam-I-Am! All About the Beach
Miles and Miles of Reptiles: All About Reptiles
A Whale of a Tale! All About Porpoises, Dolphins, and Whales
Safari, So Good! All About African Wildlife
There's a Map on My Lap! All About Maps
Oh, the Lavas That Flow! All About Volcanoes
Out of Sight Till Tonight! All About Nocturnal Animals
Once upon a Mastodon: All About Prehistoric Mammals
Oh Say Can You Say What's the Weather Today? All About Weather
The Cat on the Mat: All About Mindfulness

ඇගයීම් සහ සමාලෝචන

සමාලෝචන 2ක්

කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

TISH RABE is the author of countless books for young readers, among them twelve Cat in the Hat Learning Librarybooks.

Among the many books illustrated by ARISTIDES RUIZ are all the Cat in the Hat Learning Librarybooks. JOE MATHIEU has illustrated countless children's books.

මෙම ඉ-පොත අගයන්න

ඔබ සිතන දෙය අපට කියන්න.

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