What Happens to Bad Girls

· Random House
10 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nale ebook

Natasha escaped the troubles and pressures of modern life by retreating to the Channel Isles, where she plans a life of uninterrupted debauchery. But, she hasn't reckoned with the locals, who are more assertive than she bargained for, or the obsessively perverse Aaron Penshler.

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10 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

Since putting finger to keyboard back in 1995, Penny Birch has been delighting readers of erotic fiction with her tales of naughty girls and masterful men. Always cheeky, sometimes very rude indeed, Penny Birch stories are not for the faint hearted and definitely not for the prudish. Penny is the author of the following short-story collections: Bad Penny, In for a Penny, Tight White Cotton and Penny Pieces. She is also the author of the following full length novels featuring Penny as the main heroine: Penny in Harness, Plaything, Tie and Tease, Regime, Bare Behind, Fit to be Tied, Nights in White Cotton and American Blue.

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