What’S His Name? John Fiedler: The Man the Face the Voice

· Author House


Whats His Name? John Fiedler The Man The Face The Voice highlights the captivating life and work of character and voice actor John Fiedler. Most people are familiar with Johns voice work as Winnie the Poohs best friend, Piglet. John was hand-picked by Mr. Walt Disney, and worked for the Disney Company, providing the voice of Piglet, for 37 years (1968 2005). In addition to Johns wonderful voice acting career, he had a lucrative career in television and film. John is known for his roles in memorable films such as 12 Angry Men, A Raisin in the Sun, The Odd Couple, True Grit, That Touch of Mink, and A Fine Madness. John has the special distinction of entering television during its inception, riding the ever changing current of TV for nearly 60 years. John is remembered for his notable guest appearances in television shows such as The Bob Newhart Show, The Odd Couple, The Twilight Zone, The Munsters, Star Trek, Bewitched, Get Smart, Threes Company, The Golden Girls, Cheers, and many more. John spent the later portion of the 1940s and the entire 1950s in New York, relocated to California during the 1960s and 1970s, and returned to New York in 1980, where he would remain for the duration of his life. John certainly had an impressive career, spanning nearly six decades. Johns work and creations will continue to live on in the hearts of millions.


Elizabeth Messina was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She is the oldest of four children. Elizabeth graduated from Hunter College in 2006 (The City University of New York) with a BA in English Language Arts. It was in Hunter College that her love of writing blossomed. Elizabeth received a Master of Arts in Teaching in 2010 from Montclair State University. Elizabeth is currently a Special Education Teacher in Brooklyn, New York. She now lives in northern New Jersey with her husband, Nicholas and their rabbit, Lola.




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