What Women Want: The Life You Crave and How God Satisfies

· 销售商:WaterBrook
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From a deeper relationship with God to harmony in the home, from stronger marriages to more satisfying work: Women Want More.

In What Women Want bestselling author Lisa T. Bergren and Rebecca Price invite readers to thoughtfully consider their soul-deep longings--and pursue God’s best in every area of life. Using in-depth interviews from a national survey and hundreds of personal interviews, biblical narratives, their own personal stories and inspiring quotes, the authors point fellow seekers toward the kind of wholeness God desires, providing lots of fun and inspiration along the way. They explore friendship, how and where to find happiness, health, and more with an eye on physical, emotional, and spiritual matters. A Bible study, designed for personal or group use and tested with dozens of women’s ministries around the country before publication, is included at the end of each chapter.

Young or old, married or single, with children or without, striving in the workplace or working in the home, readers will resonate with Lisa and Rebecca’s descriptions of the life women crave, and learn how God fulfills the very desires He stirs.


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Lisa T. Bergren is the author of more than forty books, with nearly two million copies sold. Her work includes children’s books, historical and contemporary fiction, women’s nonfiction, and gift books. A freelance writer and editor, Lisa lives in Colorado. She and her husband, Tim, are the parents of three children.

Rebecca Price has more than 25 years experience in book publishing; she’s helped start-up publishing houses and works as a consultant for a variety of publishers still. Together with her “Class V” friend Lisa Bergren, Rebecca pursues a number of ministry and business projects. Rebecca makes her home in Little Rock, Arkansas, where she is active in women’s ministry.




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