When I Am King...

· Chet Haase
12 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

When I am King... this book will be required reading. Until then, consider it important background reading on future social policy. And an excellent beer coaster.

With life comes life's many critical problems, such as:

  • Why are wedding ceremonies so very long, often outlasting the marriages themselves?
  • Why are we forced to celebrate wedding anniversaries, inevitably leading to stress, forgetfullness, guilt, anger, recriminations, and alimony?
  • We're constantly making mistakes in life and have no one to blame but ourselves. Why can't we hire someone to take the blame?
  • Why are women's showers so packed with bottles and substances that there's no room left for the people?
  • Why aren't newborn babies clearly labeled with their sex to avoid awkward assumptions by strangers?
  • Why are newborn stats reported in weight and length, like fish?

Fortunately, this manifesto exists to deal with these and other pressing problems that we all face in work, relationships, parenting, eating, and life overall.

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

12 ግምገማዎች


Chet lives and works in Silicon Valley, writing code for a living and comedy for fun. He hopes you enjoy reading it nearly as much as he enjoyed you buying it. You can see more of his humor online on his blog Enough about you... and you can follow him on Google+ or on Twitter via @chethaase.

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