When the Anger Ogre Visits

· Được bán bởi Simon and Schuster
Sách điện tử
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Use this playful, read-along story to teach that anger as a natural and manageable part of life.

"The Anger Ogre visits everybody's lives, just remember to be patient whenever it arrives." When the Anger Ogre Visits gives children symbolic and concrete guidance about how to deal with anger as a natural part of their inner lives. Rather than squelching anger or pushing it away, the book invites children to sit with and observe anger, removing its overwhelming aspects. This playfully illustrated story, written in memorable rhyme, centers on discovering and using internal resources and portrays anger as manageable.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Andree Salom has been a clinical art therapist for over twelve years. She is a founding member of the Colombian Art Therapy Association and an advocate for the development of art therapy in Colombia. Andree works with both adults and children to open creative paths for health and development through mindfulness, art, and emotional education. She is the author of a number of children's books in Spanish and lives in Bogota, Colombia.
Ivette Salom is a professional illustrator. She earned her MFA at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, MA. She has illustrated and authored a number of children's books and has provided spot illustrations for the New York Times and the Miami Herald, among others. Ivette lives with her husband in Cambridge, MA.

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