When the Bough Breaks (Alex Delaware series, Book 1): A tensely suspenseful psychological crime novel

· Hachette UK
18 recenzií
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Not all that glitters is gold...

When the Bough Breaks is the outstandingly original first novel in Jonathan Kellerman's bestselling Alex Delaware series. From the New York Times No. 1 author, this gripping thriller is perfect for fans of Patricia Cornwell and Michael Connelly.

'An engrossing thriller... This knockout of an entertainment is the kind of book which establishes a career in one stroke' - Newsday

Seven-year-old Melody Quinn is the only witness of a horrific double murder but she can't or won't talk about what she saw. Child psychologist Alex Delaware is brought in to try and get through to her and to the truth of what happened that night. But it soon becomes clear that Melody isn't just traumatised by the murders.
Alex is only too aware that LA is a city which spawns ugliness. But is he prepared for the seemingly bottomless pit of perversion and violence that he's about to uncover?

What readers are saying about When the Bough Breaks:

'A well written book, and the plot is thrilling and sickening in equal measure'

'The plot is intricate, interesting and well put together'

'Came up to all expectations. A very good read and [excellent] characterisation'

Hodnotenia a recenzie

18 recenzií

O autorovi

Jonathan Kellerman is the No. 1 international bestselling author of more than three dozen bestselling crime novels, including the Alex Delaware series, THE BUTCHER'S THEATRE, BILLY STRAIGHT, THE CONSPIRACY CLUB, TWISTED and TRUE DETECTIVES. With his wife, bestselling novelist Faye Kellerman, he co-authored DOUBLE HOMICIDE and CAPITAL CRIMES. With his son, bestselling novelist Jesse Kellerman, he co-authored THE GOLEM OF HOLLYWOOD and THE GOLEM OF PARIS. He is also the author of two children's books and numerous non-fiction works. He has won the Goldwyn, Edgar and Anthony Awards and has been nominated for a Shamus Award. Jonathan and Faye Kellerman live in California, New Mexico and New York.

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