When the Cypress Whispers: A Novel

· Harper Collins
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From an Emmy award–winning writer and producer, “a rich, emotionally-nuanced story about a woman’s deeply held connection to her family and her past” (Emily Giffin, New York Times–bestselling author).

The daughter of Greek immigrants, Daphne aspires to the American Dream, yet feels as if she’s been sleepwalking through life. Caught between her family’s old-world traditions and the demands of a modern career, she cannot seem to find her place.

Only her beloved grandmother on Erikousa, a magical island off the coast of Greece, knows her heart. Daphne’s fondest memories are of times spent in the kitchen with Yia-yia, cooking and learning about the ancient myths. It was the thought of Yia-yia that consoled Daphne in the wake of her husband’s unexpected death.

After years of struggling to raise her child and pay the bills, Daphne now has a successful restaurant, a growing reputation as a chef, and a wealthy fiancé—everything she’s ever wanted. But across the ocean, Yia-yia can see through the storybook perfection of Daphne’s new life— and now she is calling her back to Erikousa. She has secrets about the past to share with her granddaughter— stories from the war, of loyalty and bravery in the face of death. She also has one last lesson to teach her: that security is not love, and that her life can be filled with meaning again.

“Readers will be transported.” —Booklist

“[Corporon] can tell a good tale, and her love for her Greek heritage permeates the story.” —Publishers Weekly

“A perfect beach read and a compelling portrait of a family of strong women.” —Shelf Awareness

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Yvette Manessis Corporon is a senior producer with the syndicated entertainment news show Extra. In addition to her two Emmy Awards, Yvette has received a Silurian Award for Excellence in Journalism, and the New York City Comptroller and City Council's Award for Greek Heritage and Culture.

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