Where I End: A Steamy NA Enemies to Lovers Romance Novel

· Arrow Falls 1-китеп · Daring Romance LLC
3 сын-пикир
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Pretentious. Arrogant. Condescending. Cruel.


All words I'd used to label him. Exactly what I’d always believed he was. All that changes one spring morning when I realize I don't know the man behind the facade.


Angry. Desperate. Broken. Mine.


All words I use to define him after I interfere. Once our eyes lock, I’m all in. There’s no turning back. I’m determined to save him. What I don't expect is he’ll save me too.



I’m so close to ending my misery. Mere seconds away. Then she stumbles upon our argument, and I change my plans. Even with my entire world burning down around me, she refuses to walk away.


I’ve always been on my own. No one fought for me before. But she does, no matter how much I try to stop her. Once she gets under my skin, I can't let her go, because where I end, she begins.


Content warning for bullying, child abuse, attempted suicide, physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and attempted rape.

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3 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Michelle Dare is a USA Today Bestselling Author. Her stories range from sweet to sinful and from paranormal to contemporary. There aren’t enough hours in the day for her to write all the story ideas in her head. When not writing or reading, she’s a wife and mom living in eastern Pennsylvania. One day she hopes to be writing from a beach where she will never have to see snow or be cold again.

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