Whispers of Hope

Coastal Lines
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The act every woman is supposed to be capable of, she’s failing at, over and over again.

A year ago, Tracey Sampson met and married the man who helped her finally believe she is worthy of love, just as she is.

But she’s yet to fulfill her greatest dream—to hold her own child in her arms.

Tracey’s never been one to give up without a fight, but how far will she go to get her happily-ever-after?

Engrossing and inspiring.

Heart-wrenching and passionate.

As real as it gets.

Whisper of Hope, book 5 in the A New Start stand-alone series bares the heart and soul of a woman heartfelt and emotional story of a woman pursuing her life’s dream despite heartache and disappointment.

Although each book in the series can be read alone, the books are best read chronologically. This is especially true for Whispers of Hope. It's part two of a two part story following Tracey's life. If you want Tracey's full story, start with Forever In My Heart.

Ready to read? Click Buy now to order your copy today and witness the power of hope to transform a life.

Here’s what readers are saying:

“This was an awesome read… As always Charlene delivers.” – Amazon Reviewer

 “Charlene Carr is a premier writer of women's fiction. This book is written with passion and depth of feeling, a trademark of Carr's

as she explores the innermost thoughts of the women she writes about.” – Betty Strohecker

"Once you start, you just can't let this one go!" - Amy Sperry

Whispers of Hope will speak to anyone who has ever wanted something with every fiber of her being … Well done! - Kay Crisman Petrini

“Charlene Carr's characters are so real.” – Barbara H Binder

“I truly felt every emotion of Tracey's journey. A must read.” – Miss S E J Senkel

I couldn’t put it down.” – Jacintha Atkinson

“Charlene was able to tell a true tale of the heartbreak and desperation in fighting to be able to have a child. I recommend this book to all women who struggle, have struggled or will struggle to make their dreams come true." - Tami, Goodreads Reviewer

“Charlene writes about real struggles that life might throw at us. Issues that change our directions and ‘make-us or break us’. Whispers of Hope is no different." – Yvonne

“Tear jerker! … I found myself in tears many times… read with a box of tissues.” – Laura Corr

“I loved and understood the ending - it was the way it had to be - it was brilliant.” – Sandra, Goodreads Reviewer

Book Club discussion questions are available on the author’s website.

Ацэнкі і агляды

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Звесткі пра аўтара

 Charlene Carr is a lover of words. Pursuing this life-long obsession, she studied literature in university, attaining both a BA and MA in English. Still craving more, she attained a degree in Journalism. After travelling the globe for several years and working as a freelance writer, editor, and facilitator she decided the time had come to focus on her true love - novel writing. She's loving every minute of it ... well, almost every minute. Some days her characters fight to have the story their way. (And they're almost always right!) 

Charlene's first series, A NEW START, is Women's Fiction full of thought, heart, and hope. Charlene lives in St. John's, Newfoundland and loves exploring the amazing coastline of her harbour town, dancing up a storm, and using her husband as a guinea pig for the healthy, yummy recipes she creates!

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