Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man?

· Kuthengiswe ngu-Penguin
4 izibuyekezo

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In this controversial national bestseller, former NBA star and author of I May Be Wrong But I Doubt It Charles Barkley takes on the major issue of our time. Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man is a series of charged, in-your-face conversations about race with some of America's most prominent figures, including Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Ice Cube, Marian Wright Edelman, Tiger Woods, Peter Guber, and Robert Johnson.

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4 izibuyekezo

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Charles Barkley is a studio analyst for TNT's Inside the NBA. Named one of the 50 greatest NBA players of all time, he was selected to 11 All-Star teams and won the NBA's MVP in 1993.

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