Who's in Your Social Network?: Understanding the Risks Associated with Modern Media and Social Networking and How it Can Impact Your Character and Relationships

· Revell
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Online social networking is just a normal part of life for most teens, but many discover too late that uncritical participation can lead to distorted relationships and even stunted personal character. This tech-friendly guidebook will help teens and pre-teens think through the dangers and opportunities of Facebook and other social networks and set healthy boundaries that will keep their hearts and minds safe and strong. They'll also find frank discussions about sexting, internet pornography, and online gaming and find out how to protect themselves and their future from the consequences of sin and addiction. Parents, teachers, educators, youth pastors, counselors, and mentors will find the latest information on media and technology to help them guide young lives.

Автор жөнүндө

Pam Stenzel is the founder of Enlighten Communications, an organization that empowers parents, youth leaders, and educators to lead informed discussions on sexual abstinence and its benefits. She speaks to over 500,000 teens a year. Sex Has a Price Tag, developed and produced by Pam, has won numerous awards and has been translated into eleven languages. Pam has appeared on FOX News, The Dr. Laura Show, The 700 Club, and Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.

Melissa Nesdahl began work with Enlighten Communications in 2003, the same year she completed a Masters of Arts in Biomedical Ethics. She wrote the leader's guide for Pam Stenzel's Love Lessons: Purity is Possible series and has authored publications in the Chicago Tribune, Kyria, and SUSIE Magazine.

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