Why You Shouldn't Eat Your Boogers: Gross but True Things You Don't Want to Know About Your Body

· Penguin саткан
16 сын-пикир
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Get ready for gross, amazing, totally true scientific facts about the human body!

Itching to know what bugs live in your eyelashes, why you get goose bumps, or how ants can be used to heal a wound? Use this delightfully disgusting collection of kid-tastic facts to gross out friends and relatives.

In this abridged edition of the adult bestseller, readers will laugh, cringe and squirm over tons of bizarre facts about the human body. The science is in: You wouldn't want to pick your nose . . . but you won't be able to resist picking this book!

For more facts to disgust your friends and family, look for Why Fish Fart: Gross but True Things You'll Wish You Didn't Know.

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16 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Francesca Gould is the author of the New York Times (extended list) adult bestsellers Why You Shouldn’t Eat Your Boogers and Other Useless (or Gross) Information about Your Body, Why Fish Fart and Other Useless or Gross Information about the World and Why Dogs Eat Poop Other Useless or Gross info abt Animal Kingdom.

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