Wicked Night: A Mindhunters Holiday Novella

· Anne Marie Becker

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           Artist Fiona Elliot expresses herself through her metal sculptures, and hopes her creations touch the hearts and minds of others—until one of her pieces inspires wicked acts. When a killer contacts her to brag about murder, Fiona needs help. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to trust the sexy detective who answers the call, particularly when he’s the same man who dumped her. Their blind date had ended in a passionate and promising kiss she’s been unable to forget, but apparently Greg didn’t have that difficulty.

Detective Greg Marsh was falling for the talented, sassy artist after one date. But his job doesn’t lend itself well to long-term relationships, so he dumped Fiona to protect them both, no matter how much he wanted that night to end in her bed. But when she’s clearly in danger, and women linked to the local art scene start showing up dead, he can’t resist helping her—especially when being around her makes him feel alive.

When their Halloween becomes the ultimate fright night, Greg is determined to protect the woman he’s falling for. And when he realizes Fiona is what he truly wants, nothing will hold him back.

The Mindhunters series continues in this 34,000-word romantic suspense Halloween novella…

Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Anne Marie has always been fascinated by people—inside and out—which led to degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, and Counseling.  Her passion for understanding the human race is now satisfied by her roles as mother, wife, daughter, sister, and award-winning author of romantic suspense.  

She writes to reclaim her sanity.

Find ways to connect with Anne Marie at www.AnneMarieBecker.com. There, sign up for her newsletter to receive the latest information regarding books, appearances, and giveaways.

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