Wicked Secrets

Speaking Volumes
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That was Trey Logan. He had rescued her father from a war-torn jungle in Central America, at the expense of his own freedom. Now he was back, and Jamie McCall vowed to make it all up to him. But this dark, brooding man had scars she couldn't see.


Trey had been in tough spots before, and he had always relied on his cool head to get him through. But this sandy-haired princess posed a different sort of threat. One look in her amber eyes could break him to pieces, and his heart was the one thing he wasn't willing to risk....

Giới thiệu tác giả

Justine Davis (Dare) was born during a snowstorm in Iowa but raised in sunny California. She began working right out of school. She worked in law enforcement which she found exciting and never, ever boring. She didn't think seriously about writing for several years. She sold her first novel in 1989. She spent the next two years selling nineteen more books. She has won the coveted RWA RITA Award four times, and has been inducted into the RWA Hall of Fame. Her books have appeared on national best-seller lists, including USA Today. Reading, music and photography are few of the pursuits she follows in her free time. Another favorite hobby is cruising around in her restored 1967 Corvette, with the top down, of course. Praise for Justine Davis "Your pulse will pound, your blood will sizzle. The very best suspense." —Romantic Times (Dangerous Ground) “Dark, mysterious, erotic…wonderful.” —Elizabeth Lowell (Dangerous Ground) “A dynamite page-turner.”

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