Wicked: Volume 1

· Wicked 1-kitob · Malone Squared
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What could be worse than catching your creepy boss in an inappropriate position? Hearing him say your name...


This day couldn't get any worse.

I just saw my boss Mr. Dent's extremely unimpressive... dent. A night of drinking with my best friend is exactly what I need. Hunter is always there for me. The perfect Mr. Nice Guy.


This day couldn't get any better.

Finally I get my chance to show my best friend that I’m also the best guy for her. I just saw Bailey’s perfect curves soaped up in the shower and all my dreams are coming true. Until she won't return my calls the next day.

Bailey wants to pretend none of it happened but I just need one chance to prove our attraction is real. I’m finally going to show her that I’m not that...nice.

contemporary romance, romance, office romance, romantic comedy,

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10 ta sharh

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