Wings of the Storm

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Táto e‑kniha

Cal Jessop returns to his home on the South Australian coast, still blaming himself for what happened one fateful evening in Paris.

Once he was regarded as one of Australia's most promising young artists. Now, the future is bleak; his work, like his life, is devastated by guilt.

Kathryn Fanning's future seems secure. Everyone, Kathryn included, expects her to marry Charles Chivers, the local doctor.

Unexpectedly, Wagner intervenes. When Cal and Kathryn meet at a performance of Rhinegold, their futures are changed irrevocably.

Kathryn brings renewed hope and purpose into Cal's life. He journeys into the summer heat of the outback seeking emptiness and light for a new series of paintings.

Uncertain of their feelings for each other, the desert will test them both in very different ways.

From one of Australia's most popular authors comes a story of adventure and the redemptive qualities of love.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1 recenzia

O autorovi

JH Fletcher is the author of eight romantic historical novels, published to both critical and popular acclaim. The author's plays for radio and television have been produced by the BBC and the South African Broadcasting Corporation, and many of this author's stories have been published in Australia and throughout the world.

JH Fletcher was educated in the UK and travelled and worked in France, Asia and Africa before emigrating to Australia in 1991. Home is now a house within sound of the sea in a small town on the South Australian coast.

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