Winter Hawk: A Raptor Holiday

· Evidence Кніга 9 · Janus Publishing
12 водгукаў
Электронная кніга

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Raptor operative Nate Sifuentes isn’t thrilled to find himself back on the job on the first day of his winter vacation, but he can’t say no when his brother asks a favor. At least he’ll earn an easy Christmas bonus—after all, driving a fired military contractor home after she’s been escorted off base by military police can’t be that hard.

In a matter of minutes, Leah Ellis has lost everything, and now she’s stranded in the nation’s capital on the first night of Hanukkah without money, phone, or bed. All she has is a mysterious driver who might be after her technical knowledge of the US military’s drone operations.

The former Green Beret’s protective instincts—and skills—kick in when he discovers the alluring AI engineer is being hunted. On the run, they escape the winter cold by generating their own heat, but will they find answers in time to stop a terror attack on Christmas Day?

Topics: holiday, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, snowed in, on the run, military thriller, political thriller, political romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, thriller, mystery, hot romance, women's romance, action and adventure, special forces, Army Ranger, military romance, special ops romance, mercenaries, billionaire, politician hero, archaeology, alpha hero, strong heroine, scientist heroine, Artificial Intelligence, Rachel Grant, Evidence Series, Raptor, Raptor Series

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12 водгукаў

Звесткі пра аўтара

USA Today bestselling author Rachel Grant worked for over a decade as a professional archaeologist and mines her experiences for storylines and settings, which are as diverse as excavating a cemetery underneath an historic art museum in San Francisco, survey and excavation of many prehistoric Native American sites in the Pacific Northwest, researching an historic concrete house in Virginia, and mapping a seventeenth century Spanish and Dutch fort on the island of Sint Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and children and can be found on the web at

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