Wishful Thinking

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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Fans of Aladdin can enter a whole new world—on the road to Broadway!

Actress Kelly Reilly has always found success in her tough career, bolstered by her true-blue boyfriend, Rob Cornell. But when Rob accepts a role in New York City without a word of discussion, Kelly is thrown for a loop.

Rescue soon arrives in the form of a brass lamp, complete with a gender-bending, wish-granting genie. Alas, Kelly’s first wish goes dramatically awry.

Kelly is desperate to right that wrong—and to get her love life back on track while she advances her career. Can she negotiate her genie’s trickster ways? Or will her hopes only add up to wishful thinking?

The As You Wish Series (each volume can be read on its own, and the series can be read in any order):

"Wishful Thinking" (Kelly Reilly)

Act One, Wish One (Kira Franklin)

Wishing in the Wings (Becca Morris)

Wish Upon a Star (Erin Hollister)

If you like paranormal romance, urban fantasy, humorous fantasy, light fantasy, romcoms (romantic comedy), chicklit, genies, magic lamps (magic lanterns), Broadway, theater, musicals, drama, actors, actresses, acting, or Minneapolis, Minnesota, then this is the book for you!


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USA Today bestselling author Mindy Klasky learned to read when her parents shoved a book in her hands and told her she could travel anywhere through stories. As a writer, Mindy has traveled through various genres, including traditional fantasy, romantic comedy, and hot contemporary romance. In her spare time, Mindy knits, quilts, and tries to tame her to-be-read shelf.

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