With Love from Wish & Co.: A Novel

· Predajca: Dell
1 recenzia
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Táto e‑kniha

A heartwarming novel about what we are prepared to give—and give up—in the name of love, from the author of Star-Crossed and The Lost Love Song.
Two boxes, both alike in size and shape . . .

Marnie Fairchild is the brains and talent behind Wish & Co., a boutique store that offers a bespoke gift-buying service to wealthy clients with complicated lives. Brian Charlesworth is Marnie’s most prized customer, and today she’s wrapping the perfect anniversary gift for his wife, Suzanne . . . and a birthday present for his mistress, Leona. What could possibly go wrong? 

For years, Marnie’s had her heart set on moving Wish & Co. to the historic shopfront once owned by her grandfather. When the chance to bid for the property unexpectedly arises, Marnie—distracted—makes an uncharacteristic mistake. Soon Brian is in a fight to rescue his marriage, and Marnie is scrabbling to keep her dreams alive. With the situation so complicated, the last thing Marnie needs is to fall for Brian and Suzanne’s gorgeous son, Luke.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1 recenzia

O autorovi

Minnie Darke is the author of the novels The Lost Love Song and Star-Crossed, which has now been published in over thirty countries. She lives in Tasmania, Australia.

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