Wolf Springs Chronicles: Unleashed: Book 1

· Wolf Springs Chronicles 1-р ном · Random House
21 шүүмж
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Perfect for fans of Twilight.

Who do you run with?

It's always tough being the new kid in town. And even worse when you have to live with your grandfather in the middle of the forest.

But when Katelyn starts at Wolf Springs High she realizes that her new life might not be so bad. There's the enigmatic Trick, who is always there to protect her. And Cordelia Fenner and her irresistible cousin seem extra friendly.

Katelyn suspects that there is more to the Fenner Family than meets the eye. But why is she so drawn to them? And in a town full of secrets, who can she trust?

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21 шүүмж

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Nancy Holder's books have been translated into more than two dozen languages. A graduate of the University of California at San Diego, Nancy is currently a writing teacher at the school. She lives in San Diego with her daughter, Belle, and their growing assortment of pets.

Debbie Viguie holds a degree in creative writing from UC Davis. Her Simon Pulse books include the New York Times bestselling Wicked series and the Once upon a Time novels VIOLET EYES, SCARLET MOON and MIDNIGHT PEARLS. She lives in Florida with her husband Scott.

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