Women's Health Take It Off! Keep It Off!: Real Women Reveal How They Lost 20, 50, Even 100 Pounds--and How You Can Too!

· በRodale Books የተሸጠ
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Filled with stories from women who lost big while living bigger, Take It Off! Keep it Off! lets you in on the weight-loss secrets that have helped women drop 20, 40, and even 100 pounds—and now you can too!

Maybe you’ve been overweight since childhood, or you’re a mom who had trouble returning to your pre-pregnancy weight after having a baby. Maybe you’ve tried every trendy diet and popular exercise program out there, or poured over before-and-after shots, wondering how to take that first step. If you have struggled for years—or maybe your entire life—to feel confident and strong in your body and lose the weight, Take It Off! Keep it Off! is the plan that will have you regularly rocking skinny jeans and crushing 10Ks in just a few months.

As the former editor of Women’s Health’s popular “You Lose, You Win” column, Rotchford has distilled the weight-loss lessons and inspiration of hundreds of women into an easy-to-follow practical program. The five-day quick-start meal plan provides innovative eating strategies that focus on portion control and includes 50 wholesome, protein-packed recipes. Paired with a three-phase exercise plan that features timesaving strength and cardio routines specifically designed to build endurance and strengthen and tone your body, you have an easy-to-follow program that clears a solid path toward transformation.

With the women from the success stories motivating you from the sidelines, you will lose weight, gain strength, build confidence, and live the longer, healthier life you deserve!

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Lesley Rotchford is a freelance editor and writer who has covered health, fitness, weight loss, beauty, and entertainment for 18 years. A former executive editor at Women’s Health, she also worked at Self, Cosmopolitan, and Allure. She lives in New Canaan, CT, with her husband and three sons.

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