World of Archie Double Digest #27

Archie Comic Publications, Inc.
89 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

This Double Digest contains OVER 140 PAGES of content, including fan-favorite, Cosmo the Merry Martian! Archie is prepared to go to any lengths to show his school spirit for Riverdale High's pep rally, even if it means getting into a high speed chase with the police and the local dog catcher! After agreeing to take on mascot duties as Riverdale's bulldog, a defective zipper causes Archie to be stuck in the bulldog costume, leading to more hijinks than he bargained for. Will Archie cut it as a mascot or will his adventure end in the doghouse? Check out "Dog Daze!" and find out in this laugh-a-page double digest!

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