Zander: A Perfectly Independent Series Novella

· Amanda Shelley, Inc.
2 рецензијe
Испуњава услове

О овој е-књизи

Zander’s known for being a player both on and off the court. When his name shows up as my next client, my heart stalls, and not in a good way. There’s no way I’ll survive the semester with him. I just don’t have the patience. 

However, when I need help, Zander makes a proposal I can’t refuse. He’ll be my fake date to my best friend’s wedding so I don’t have to face my ex and his new girlfriend alone.

The weekend goes off without a hitch as we effortlessly pretend to have the time of our lives.

All is perfect… until I realize my feelings for Zander are no longer an act.

What will I do when our arrangement comes to an end?

Оцене и рецензије

2 рецензијe

О аутору

Amanda Shelley writes romantic stories you can escape into. Some are steamy, others are sweet but all have strong characters with a little bit of sass. 

When not writing, Amanda enjoys time with her family, playing chauffeur, chef and being an enthusiastic fan for her children. Keeping up with them keeps her alert and grounded in reality. She enjoys long car rides, chai lattes and popping her SUV into four-wheel drive for adventures anywhere.

Amanda loves hearing from readers. Be sure to sign up for her newsletter and follow her on social media. Join her reader’s group Amanda’s Army of Readers to stay up to date on her latest information.

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