Zigzag Zoom

· Zigzag Kids Kirja 8 · Myyjä: Wendy Lamb Books
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The Zigzag Zebras have been challenged by the Timpanzi School Tigers to a race. They'll have to practice hard. Too bad Gina is a better opera singer than a runner. Ramon has them running all over—in the schoolyard, down Stone Street, back into the gym, down the stairs. They have to win!

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PATRICIA REILLY GIFF is the author of many beloved books for children, including the Kids of the Polk Street School books. Her novels for older readers include the Newbery Honor Books Lily's Crossing and Pictures of Hollis Woods, and Willow Run, a companion to Lily's Crossing. Her most recent books are the novels R My Name Is Rachel, Storyteller, and Wild Girl, and the Zigzag titles, Number One Kid, Big Whopper, Flying Feet, and Star Time. Patricia Reilly Giff is available for select readings and lectures. To inquire about a possible appearance, please contact the Random House Speakers Bureau at RHSpeakers@RandomHouse.com. 

ALASDAIR BRIGHT has illustrated numerous books and advertising projects. He loves drawing and is never without his sketchbook.

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