Zmeykovo: Том 1

· Bendideia Publishing
Электронная кніга

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Vsichko zavinagi se promenya za dvanadesetgodishniya Teo v denya, kogato ogun i led se izsipvat ot nebeto. Toi razbira, che drakonite deistvitelno sushtestvuvat, kogato triglavoto chudovishte Lamya otvlicha sestra mu. Veshtitsa i govoreshto svrache mu pomagat da otvori portala kum Zmeikovo – zemya, za koyato e chuval samo ot mitove, myasto, koeto e dom na strakhoviti sushtestva. Kogato se ozovava tam, toi se sreshta s mistichna gorska nimfa. Teo tryabva da se nauchi da se doveryava na instinktite si i na novite si chudati priyateli, dokato tursi Lamyata, predi tya da e pozhertvala sestra mu. Po vreme na svoeto puteshestvie momcheto otkriva sledi, koito sochat, che edinstveno toi mozhe da spasi tainstvenata zemya, narechena Zmeikovo.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Ronesa Aveela is “the creative power of two.” Two authors that is. The main force behind the work, the creative genius, was born in Bulgaria and moved to the US in the 1990s. She grew up with stories of wild Samodivi, Kikimora, the dragons Zmey and Lamia, Baba Yaga, and much more. She’s a freelance artist and writer. She likes writing mystery romance inspired by legends and tales. In her free time, she paints. Her artistic interests include the female figure, Greek and Thracian mythology, folklore tales, and the natural world interpreted through her eyes. She is married and has two children.


Her writing partner was born and raised in the New England area. She has a background in writing and editing, as well as having a love of all things from different cultures.


Together, the two make up the writing of Ronesa Aveela.

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