discordant thots of a disabled mind, vol.iii

· discordant thots 3. knjiga · PonderHouse

O tej e-knjigi

dear reader,

this is even more of my mind.. still on disability. 

i always keep a notepad handy, as external brain dump. 

if i don't write it down it'll roll around, endlessly. or i forget it, immediately. 

this collection is comprised of thots which i did(n't) share elsewhere, and perhaps should(n't) have. 

there is no context. there is [little to] no clarification. there only is what there is. 

often, it is all in how you choose to interpret what's written (about). 

volume iii originated within 2016–2017.











be well.

~ silent.ponderhouse.com

ps. wrote in American English, all intent lost in translation.


– it is easier being feared than loved.. fewer people bother you. 

– clicking like/share upon another's post does not activism make. 

– never, ever barter with your soul. only refinance for a better exchange rate. 

– streaming media– it almost makes bearable being home alone (and friendless) every night. 

– authorship is an exercise in trusting your creative instincts, and not accepting when told you haven't any. 

– i'll always take the other way, the long way, the hard way, the wrong way, over the “do it my way!” 

– turns out, you mighta missed your true calling.. too bad, that usually means it's already too late. 

– only the pompous, the pious, or assholes, feel the need to shame the ignorant. 

– life is a learning curve.. around the bend of which awaits your death. 

– money– the root of most suffering, which does trickle down.

prior reading:


discordant thots, vol.i

discordant thots, vol.ii

merchandise: PonderHouse.com/discord.merch

a PonderHouse publication.

O avtorju

 *crickets chirp*

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