#1 Belief in God - This first chapter in the series reviews the reasons why Christians believe in a Supreme Being. This idea is looked at from both a philosophical and theological perspective.
#2 The Christian Religion - In this lesson we will examine the Christian religion and see how it compares to the other major religions in the world.
#3 The Bible - This lesson examines the history of Bible authorship, how the Bible was organized into its present form, and some key reasons why Christians believe that it is inspired by God.
#4 Jesus Christ - The Christian faith is based on the person of Jesus Christ. In this lesson we will look closely at this person in order to more clearly define His true nature and character.
#5 Salvation - This lesson lays out the simple yet powerful plan that God has initiated to save mankind from eternal condemnation due to personal sin and how Jesus Christ fits in to this plan of salvation.
#6 The Church - The church is the physical presence of Jesus Christ in the world today. In this lesson we will examine the New Testament in order to determine what the inspired text says the church should be like and how it should function.
#7 The Christian Lifestyle - A final lesson describing the new motivation and lifestyle that God has designed for those who are followers of Jesus Christ.
----- BibleTalk.tv -----
Mike Mazzalongo has been a Bible teacher and preacher since 1979. He has served as Dean of Students at Oklahoma Christian University. Mike’s first book was published in 1995 by College Press and he has written over 70 other books since that time. He presently serves as the Media Minister for the Choctaw Church of Christ located in the Oklahoma City area. Mike is married to Lise and together they have 4 children and 12 grandchildren.