Warrior Mage (Chains of Honor, Book 1): An Epic Fantasy Series

· Chains of Honor Book 1 · Lindsay Buroker
272 reviews

About this ebook

His mother was one of the most powerful wizards in the Nurian Empire until she abandoned her people to become a notorious pirate. That choice doomed the family she left behind to a life of disgrace.

Yanko White Fox doesn’t remember his mother, but as the only gifted child in the family, he is expected to erase the mark she left on them all. With an affinity for earth magic and communicating with animals, he’s not the most natural candidate to become a warrior mage, but it’s the only sure route back into the Great Chief’s good graces. He has resigned himself to training for that destiny, whether it matches his passions or not.

Long before he’s ready for his first battle, insurrection comes to his distant corner of the empire. Rebels take over the salt mine his family manages and slay the only relative who ever supported Yanko. On the heels of the tragedy, a courier brings a message from the Great Chief’s son.

Whether he is prepared or not, Yanko must undertake a quest, one that could save millions of lives… or fail utterly, leaving him dead, his family forgotten, and his people the victims of starvation and endless war. 

Warrior Mage is the first novel in the now complete Chains of Honor epic fantasy series.

Ratings and reviews

272 reviews
Lisa Hillman
July 31, 2023
Thank you for yet another great story woven together skillfully as these intriguing characters took me on a journey to an amazing world with pirates, mages or mental science practitioners going on quests and making discoveries both literally and figuratively. Great editing too, I so hate bad grammar and spelling errors in a published book and I'm glad to see ebooks are getting so kuch better 😀
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Anna Brooks
May 7, 2015
Readers new to this world can enjoy this as a stand-alone novel. There is enough recap so that new readers won't be lost, but not enough to spoil it for those who have not yet read the other books, and long-time readers will not be bored by too much recap. I highly recommend any readers who have not yet done so, to check out both the Emperor's Edge and Swords and Salt series, as well as the related books Encrypted, Enigma, and Decrypted. You won't want to miss out on all the fun. Great fantasy/adventure series, with humor and lots of action; anyone from teens to age 99 and up can enjoy. I am looking forward to more adventures in this new series, with Yanko, Dak, Lakeo and that very rude parrot, as well as cameos by characters from the other books. It was fun seeing what Akstyr is up to these days, in this book. Seems like he'd get on well with the parrot. Or perhaps not.
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Sean Yeackel
July 1, 2016
It was a good, solid read and I look forward to picking up the next book. The main character, who is the POV you're reading through, can be a bit ignorant and annoying at times. The end of the book left me with a few questions and a little more than cliffhanger than I would've liked. But the book is filled with lots of adventure and kept me engaged the whole time. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of fantasy.
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