The Owen and Eleanor series follows two kids from two different families as they navigate the ups and downs of childhood. The duo learns important lessons about faith, values, and friendship.
In addition to Owen and Eleanor Move In, H.M. BouwmanÊwrites middle grade historical fantasy, including The Remarkable & Very True Story of Lucy & SnowcapÊ(2008) and A Crack in the SeaÊ(2017). She is also an associate professor of English at the University of St. Thomas, a homeschooling mom, a member of Hamline United Methodist Church, and a martial artist.
Charlie Alder has illustrated many books for children, including her first authored and illustrated picture book, Daredevil Duck. She describes herself as "a curly haired coffee drinker and crayon collector." She lives in Devon with her "Helpful Husband" and "Super Scrumptious Small Son," who influence her inspiration greatly. You can visit her at and on Twitter @chuckie346.