The framework of continuous epistemological space, rather than discrete symbolic logic, is used to provide a formal foundation for thinking about reality. Mereological analysis of that space examines things in terms of their whole/part relationships, and referential analysis of that space examines things in terms of their reference/referent relationships. These analyses are used to illustrate the structure of our minds. Since our mental structures determine how reality is sensed and conceptualized, understanding these structures clarifies which aspects of our experience are due to the world and which are due to various facets of our cognition.
You will particularly enjoy this book if you are interested in how our minds work, since it explores the structure and operation of our cognition in great detail. To do so, a basic model is constructed that provides an understanding of the relationship of wholes to parts, references to referents, and how those relationships influence and are influenced by cognition. This model is simple enough to be independent of various complexities in neuroscience and physics, although it is both motivated by those sciences and entirely compatible with them.