It contains hand-picked 50 brain teasers and the solutions. None of the puzzles are too easy or for that matter too difficult that you won't be able to solve.
The puzzles are of mixed variety - intriguing riddles, logic puzzles, river crossing puzzles, and ball weighing puzzles. Most of the puzzles are uncommon but all are interesting.
No math puzzles, you don't need any prior knowledge to solve the puzzles.
Puzzle solutions are hand-crafted using innovative problem solving techniques. The new methods used for solving the puzzles will surprise and enrich you.
To add value to the work, a few of the Innovative problem solving techniques used in solutions, namely, Working backwards, End state analysis, Property change analysis, Question Analysis Answer are collected in brief as Appendix.
These are general problem solving techniques you may use for solving not just puzzles, but other types of problems also.
It is a book of 50 puzzles that you will enjoy solving.
It also is the book that will show you new ways to solve problems.
From decades of experience in solving problems that were thought to be unsolvable, the author created a new approach of innovative problem solving. He taught the new ideas as a subject in a post graduate management course for three years. His interest later shifted to solving puzzles using the new ideas and methods. He is an M.Tech with specialization in Computer Science with work-experience mainly in computers and telecom.
His passion is in discovering new patterns and methods that are extraordinarily effective and time-saving. His dream is to see a rejuvenated greener world.